How to streamline payslip management?

There’s an endless to-do list, with countless administrative tasks to be completed and stacks of paperwork to be filled in.

There’s an endless to-do list, with countless administrative tasks to be completed and stacks of paperwork to be filled in. This job is made even harder when a large proportion of the workforce is out-of-office, only further increasing the demand on the HR team. The amount of administration piles up, while employee experience and the quality of HR support suffer. One area in which this is most often felt is in payslip management, dramatically affecting the efficiency and efficacy of both the business and its employees. Finding ways to automate tasks like this is of utmost importance for HR operating models going forward, and that’s where we come in. Mintor creates tools designed to assist HR managers; by using these to streamline processes such as self-service payslips, they can focus more time on people rather than on paperwork.  Read more …  

HR managers often have to look after the needs of a large workforce that isn’t office-based, for example in the case of harvesters, or people that work for car manufacturers in remote areas. This means that tasks that would usually be fairly straightforward, such as the issuing of payslips, are often far more time-consuming and prevent the HR team from focusing on other important issues, not to mention the high cost involved in printing and posting payslips to remote locations. What’s more, the COVID-19 pandemic means that more and more HR people that used to work in-office are now opting to work remotely instead, dramatically accelerating this transition in HR functioning.

A large workforce poses a major challenge for HR efficiency

This is because more than a third of the population doesn’t have access to things like mobile data or a computer. The lack of this kind of support means that, for these people, finding a job is hard enough, let alone keeping it. Completing a task like a request for a payslip or tax certificate is not as simple as it sounds and, due to the pressure HR managers are under, there is often a long turnaround time before workers receive them.

Mintor has come up with the solution to this problem, saving time and significantly enhancing HR efficiency and quality. Our HR chat-based tool allows employees to submit their HR requests via Whatsapp – an app that is already used by 85% of South Africans. In doing so, they can, for example, gain immediate access to payslips or tax certificates anywhere. More importantly, numerous employees can submit their requests simultaneously and receive instant support, eliminating time-consuming payroll paperwork at both ends. This self-service solution empowers employees to take responsibility for their administration, and frees up time for HR managers so that they can spend more time with people.

In developing tools that improve HR processes, we’re helping to close the digital divide between businesses and the out-of-office workforce. Employees who might otherwise have had little or no access to HR support can be helped with ease and efficiency. This will be incredibly beneficial across the board – not only making HR managers’ lives easier but also having a major positive impact on marginalised communities by bringing connection to the digitally disconnected.

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